Individual Psychotherapy for Adults

Effective therapy requires a desire to change.

Lame therapist joke – How many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer – Just one, but the lightbulb must want to change.

After you finish rolling your eyes at this terrible joke, I hope you’ll pause and acknowledge the truth in it. I can’t make anyone change. All I can do is serve as your guide and support – but the impetus must come from you.

If you hire a personal trainer and they lift weights on your behalf, you won’t get any stronger. The same goes for therapy. I can’t do the work for you, but I would love the opportunity to give you the tools you need to discover the incredible person you already are.

Life can be confusing and complicated. There’s no reason to go it alone.

Psychotherapy helps make life less confusing and complicated.

The beginning of modern psychotherapy is usually attributed to Freud in the 1900s. In truth, every society and civilization has had people fulfilling the role of what we now call therapists.

Early therapists may have been called healers, shamans, medicine men, or clergy members, but the fundamental purpose was the same. They were available for struggling people and listened to them without judgment while trying to help them feel better.

Going to therapy has become much more socially acceptable over the years, maybe even trendy. However, if you’re still feeling some stigma about confiding in a stranger, I hope it will comfort you to remember that it’s a tradition as old as humanity.

Healing methods may have evolved through time, but I’m honored to be part of this long lineage of people whose chosen vocation was to help their fellow community members.

Individual therapy is a place just for YOU.

Each week, you don’t need to be accountable to anyone else for a brief time. It’s only us, talking openly and privately about what is working in your life, what you’d like support with, and then problem-solving together.

Traditionally, mental health treatment has focused on symptom reduction; i.e., “How can we make you feel less depressed?” That’s an excellent place to start, but I think we can do better than that.

I want to help you get to a place where you’re not only struggling less but are inspired and excited about your life. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible.

Call me today for a free 20-minute phone consultation, so we can talk about helping you reach your goals.